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Trailing Spouses

Trailing Spouses is an Award-Winning new web-based talk show centering on the diverse lives of immigrant &Expat accompanying spouses. Are you a trailing spouse, accompanying/supporting spouse, or even perhaps a single person that is living, working, and thriving outside of your home country (with or without children)? Are you in the process of planning to move and live abroad? Then this talk show has something for YOU! Hosted in Taipei, Taiwan by Telly-Award Winning Co-Creators and Executive Producers Juanita Ingram, Esq. and Zee N. Dlamini. Tune in to all 8 episodes in Season 1 and be equipped, empowered, and entertained!



Third Culture Kids

On this episode we going to talk about Raising Third Culture Kids; A Third-Culture Kid (also known as TCK) is referring to a child who grows up in a culture different from the one in which his parents grew up. David Pollock and Ruthvan Reken, both American sociologists, were the first to come up with the concept in their book “Third-culture Kids, Growing Up Among Worlds”. The third-culture is in fact a mix between the parents’ culture and culture in which these expat children are raised. Some other sociologists also call them “Global Nomads”, referring to children who have grown up abroad because of their parents’ occupational choices and career opportunities.


Self-Care Tips

In this episode we going to talk about Self-Care Tips; We know that it’s important to show compassion for others, but how often do we show that same level of kindness to ourselves? One of the greatest things that you can do for your mind, soul, and body is to unwind. Not sure how to unwind? First, step back and remember that you are worth the love and care that you give others. Many think that practicing self-care is inconvenient or even selfish. But, what’s selfish about wanting to be the best version of you? The only way you can give yourself to others is if you give to yourself first. In addition, give yourself the “me time” you deserve to truly get in touch with your mind and your body and be the best you that you can be.


Single Functioning as a Trailing Spouse

On this episode we going to talk about being a trailing spouse and single functioning whilst you are a spose ; Any decision to take a role abroad is relatively easy if you do not have a partner or family, but as soon as a partner is involved decisions become more complicated. Although partners and family can provide emotional support and enrich the experience, studies have repeatedly shown that the most common cause of problems with international assignments is issues that the expat partner faces. There are many issues faced by expat partners and there are many types of expat partner, or indeed ‘trailing spouse,’ as they used to be known. As Clara Wiggins says in her book, ‘The Expat Partner’s Survival Guide’, the definition was ‘someone who followed their husband or wife on an overseas posting’. The term ‘trailing’ implied that they were ‘following behind, somehow being the lesser of the two in the partnership’. Hence the terms accompanying partner or expat partner are more commonly used today.


Purpose - Goals and Reinventing Self

On this episode we going to talk about, Purpose, Goals and Reinventing Self ; Do you ever wish you could change your past? We all go through struggles in life, make mistakes, and face certain hardships and challenges that prevent us from moving ahead. The important thing is to learn how to come out stronger, and become even better than you were before. Though, this is easier said than done. Many of us may find that we’re stuck or bogged down by certain limitations that prevent us from achieving our goals and progressing in life. This can be super frustrating, especially if you’ve been feeling this way for a while. When you aren’t able to find a solution or way out of a rut, it can be demoralizing and cause you to spiral further downward. Yet, it is possible to break free from those limitations or set backs, and to get ahead in life again. You can indeed take control of your actions and reactions to work them in your favor. Here are the ways to start re-inventing yourself right now so you can achieve a better version of you!


Different Types Of Expats

“The ideal place for me is the one in which it is most natural to live as a foreigner.” – Italo Calvino Before we start this episode, it’s important to understand exactly what an “expat” is. The word “expat” is an abbreviation of “expatriate,” which, according to the Oxford Dictionary, is “a person who lives outside their native country.” Other definitions, such as one from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, includes people who have renounced allegiance to their native countries. While these definitions may seem black and white, they’ve become a bit murkier over time. One example is how the word “expat” differs from “immigrant,” which, according to the Oxford Dictionary, is “a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.” Anyone can see that the two definitions are almost identical, with one possible differentiator being the length of time. But there’s an ongoing debate if there exist any real differences between the two words, outside of perceived status. “Expatriate” is typically reserved for people from wealthy nations, regardless of if they’re relocating to work. On the other hand, “immigrant,” is more commonly used for people who hail from developing nations, or occupy jobs that are perceived to be lower in status. For the sake of inclusivity, this article considers expats and immigrants to be one and the same.


What Is a Trailing Spouse?

On this episode we going to talk about what is a trailing spouse? The term trailing spouses was invented by a Wall Street Journal writer in the early eighties, during a wave of globalization when businesses were expanding overseas. The term describes a spouse who accompanies their partner to another country on their overseas job assignment. In those days the worker was usually a male executive and the trailing spouse was female. The perception was that the trailing spouse would assume a “supporting” role such as being a primary care giver. The main focus then for Global Mobility programs was to keep the primary care giver happy in a new country. Today, the trailing spouse phenomenon is compelling for several reasons. trailing spouses are now recognized to have a much wider range of circumstances and needs. In particular there has been a growing awareness of male trailing spouses.


Mom's Fab Fashion

On this episode we going to talk about Mom's Fab Fashion; Mom's Fab Fashion is focused on helping women create a life they love one simple step at a time. We help mothers and WOMEN with fashion.


The Packing Tips

On this episode we going to talk about Packing Tips; packing may seem simple, but it is a science with rules that travelers often learn the hard way over thousands of miles on the road. Doing it strategically can be the difference between a harried vacation with countless detours to local drugstores and a streamlined one with everything you need at your fingertips. Here’s our shortcut to packing the right way.

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